Krabi Town, week 2

4 juli 2017

Monday, June 26th

My first day at Ammartpanichnukul School! The first time since I’m here that I have had to set my alarm clock. At half past six it was time to get out of my bed, take a quick shower, get dressed, have breakfast and more importantly; my morning coffee. I was still being influenced by the jetlag and still needed to develop a good sense of time. But I think once I’ve done my first week at Ammart, I’d be fine.

I left the guest house and started walking in the wrong direction instantly. After a brief moment of realisation, I started walking in the right direction. Take a right at the square, cross the road, take the stairs to the temple, turn left and your there. Simple. When I got to Ammart I saw my Thai mother sitting in her car, she had just dropped her children off to school. I told her that I was heading for the main gate, she told me to get in the car and that she would take me there (not even a 100-m distance).

Once arrived at Ammart,I was looking for the EP (English Programme) office. I was having some slight doubts about where to go but a woman came up to me and she told me to follow her. She took me to meet the team. I had met some of the teachers earlier on, but there were lots of new faces too. I was given a very warm welcome by everyone I met there so far. After I had met the team, I was taken to meet the school director. Before set out to do so, I was told that I had to be very polite to him, before we went into his office we took off our shoes and were waiting at a desk. Then he came out of his office to meet us; he was wearing a uniform and he seemed very wise, a very friendly and calm person.

During the afternoon break, four teachers and me went out for lunch. It’s really nice to be able to go out during break times. We went to a quite modern café, a little bit hipster-like. The food was good, I had some coffee and we were on our way back to Ammart. I’ve worked on several items until it was a quarter past four, then I went home. In the evening I went to Arty Bar to have a chat with some of the other teachers.

Tuesday, June 27th

On this day I was mostly working on my first lessons. Not a very big deal, just introduction lessons. The challenge here was that I’d needed to prepare for six different age groups. The idea’s for the younger students were quickly thought of, but as I’ve never taught seventeen/eighteen year-olds yes, it was quite a struggle but I think I’ve managed quite okay.

At eleven I went out for lynch with one of the South-African teachers. We walked for about ten minutes until was passed a brand new business. “Wake Cup Max” it was called. It was a nicely, simply decorated place and we had some fresh drinks. “You come back soon, bring your friends”, will do.

After school I went home for my daily second shower and I went out to buy some groceries. I’d think that I’m going to stick to the more European influenced food as my stomach does not seem to digest/handle the Thai food very well.

Wednesday, June 28th

I’ve set a new record; four and a half hours of sleep! It’s getting better and better. Had my breakfast, shower, dropped of my key at de front desk of Orange Tree and made my way to Ammart. Fortunately, the rain has gone, it was crazy on Tuesday. I sat down at my desk and started working on several items; my lessons, a skit that needs to be prepared for an open house. At half past nine I got summoned to go to meet a director. A student brought me there and I saw Marisa and the director.

We greeted each other with the traditional wai and sat down for a conversation. Marisa sort of announced that I was going to take part in a football match between teachers from two different schools. I sounded like good fun, but I didn’t have any football shoes or any other equipment. “And next Monday, you introduce yourself to the school,”  Only 3,000 students so no worries there, I hope. It was a bit overwhelming but that’s apparently how things go around here. Also, “Next Monday you introduce yourself to school.”  A bit overwhelmed by the two “proposals,” ! When I was dismissed I returned to the EP-office. I worked on the rest of my lessons and went home.

At night it was time to go to Arty’s bar and to meet up with some of my friends.

Thursday, June 29th

The big day! Match day! Ceremony day! I got up at half past six. Took a quick shower. It was a quite an exciting day because of the football match. But first, there was this incredible parade. The students got dressed up real fancy. They made these beautiful attributes and were walking quite a distance from the black crab statue to Ammart. Everyone was gathering on the football field. The parade lasted for a an hour and a half or so before it was announced that the football match would start shortly. It was great to see how it was set up. The tribunes were beautifully decorated and divided by the colours of the teams. And the enthusiasm….. I could not dare to imagine that everyone would so excited with playing sports as well as cheering.

The students that weren’t playing were cheering. Some brought these big drums and people also thought of some yells. It was amazing to see how enthusiastic all those students were, regardless of the sports that were being played; volleyball, football, swimming, table tennis, basketball and athletic events.

My personal highlight was the football match between the teachers of Ammart and the teachers of another school. It was a good manner to take a deeper look into the Thai culture, that being the Thai sports culture. I saw respect for opponents that I would never see back in the Netherlands. Every time a, after a minor foul, players would do a wai to each other. Letting the other know “I’m sorry and I still respect you.” The players were fanatic alright but with more decency than back home. Also no talking back to the referee whatsoever, nothing. It was satisfying to see/know that there still is respect for each other during football games.

In the end, my team won with 2-0, yay! After saying goodbye to the opposition, I noticed that people from Ammart had printed out the photograph which was taken right before the match, and gave it to the opposing team. I thought this was an amazing gesture and I really wanted to take a picture of it. I went to the coach of the away team and asked whether I could take a picture of the picture. Fortunately this was okay. After that, they told get another picture taken but then the coach and me holding the picture.

I went home for a shower, exhausted as I was, and took a shower before falling on my bed. When I woke up I went back to Ammart for a few hours to discuss the day.

Friday, June 30th

My last day at Ammart before I would start the next Monday. It was quite the relaxing day; all the teachers were basically finishing preparations for the next week. I was finishing my lessons and the final preparations for next week. Also I have been helping out for a short play that will be held during the open house of the school.

My muscles though, were very soar because of yesterday’s football match, fortunately I could walk it off when we were getting lunch at some place. Once I got back to Ammart I finished my lessons until it was time for me to go.

When I got at the Orange Tree House the staff came up with a nickname for me; “hey Little John,” apparently I’m similar to the fellow outlaw of Robin Hood… We had our laughs about it and I went back to my room.

And “fortunately” it was time for the night again…. The exact same singers, at the exact same time with the exact same setlist. Joy! I wasn’t going to listen to all of it again so I went to Arty Bar. I met up with some of my friends and we had a great night, but we couldn’t stay for too long because the next Saturday, there would be a fourth of July party at an American teacher’s house.

Saturday, July 1st

I slept kind of late this day, I woke up at twelve. Which was quite nice because I this was the first time I slept for a long time, I felt well-rested. I got only two hours until it was time for the party.

I didn’t know where to go so I texted the host of the party where I could find it. She gave me some directions but not an exact location. Luckily enough I could find it okay, it took me twenty minutes by foot to get there.

When I got there, there already were quite a lot of people at the party; South-Africans, British, Canadian, American and the Dutch guy (me). It still surprises me how kind and nice everybody is around here, no one makes you feel left out.

And I learned some more of the Thai culture too, I forgot to take of my shoes when I entered the house, in the Thai culture this is not a polite thing to do. When my mentor pointed this out to me, I quickly took of my shoes and apologised to the home owner. After that it was time for some food, there was a barbecue with delicious meat, salads and several special drinks. Especially the Bloody Mary was reall tasty.

When the party was over, almost everybody went to Arty Bar and we had an amazing night. At half past twelve it was time for me to go home and get some rest.


1 Reactie

  1. Mies Bellemakers:
    5 juli 2017